Varsity | Junior Varsity | Freshman | Upton 8th Grade | Upton 7th Grade | Future |

   Home games are in maize, High School Home games are played on Steve Upton Field at Dickinson Stadium. Upton home games are played at Dean Koontz Field at Upton Middle School

Varsity  (back to top)

Date Opponent Location Time
FR 08/30/2024 Steve Upton Field
at Dickinson Stadium
WIN 30-7
FR 09/06/2024 Leo Hoffman Field
WIN 36-29
FR 09/13/2024 Steve Upton Field
at Dickinson Stadium
WIN 35-0
FR 09/20/2024 Richland Stadium
WIN 57-0
FR 09/27/2024* Al Stockman Stadium
WIN 46-7
FR 10/04/2024* Steve Upton Field
at Dickinson Stadium
WIN 48-34
FR 10/11/2024* Wildcat Stadium
7:00 PM
FR 10/18/2024 Steve Upton Field
at Dickinson Stadium
7:00 PM
FR 10/25/2024* McCamley-Knight Field
7:00 PM

*-SMAC West Division Game

Junior Varsity  (back to top)

Date Opponent Location Time
TH 08/29/2024 Viking Stadium
WIN 52-14
TH 09/05/2024 Steve Upton Field
at Dickinson Stadium
TIE 22-22
TH 09/12/2024 Griffith Stadium
WIN 48-20
TH 09/19/2024 Steve Upton Field
at Dickinson Stadium
WIN 52-12
TH 09/26/2024* Steve Upton Field
at Dickinson Stadium
LOSS 30-60
TH 10/03/2024*

Huskie Stadium

WIN 42-28
TH 10/10/2024* Steve Upton Field
at Dickinson Stadium
6:30 PM
TH 10/17/2024 C.W. Post Field
6:30 PM
TH 10/23/2024* Steve Upton Field
at Dickinson Stadium
6:30 PM

Freshman  (back to top)

Date Opponent Location Time
TH 08/29/2024 Viking Stadium
WIN 32-23
TH 09/05/2024 Steve Upton Field
at Dickinson Stadium
LOSS 26-36
TH 09/12/2024 Griffith Stadium
TH 09/19/2024 Steve Upton Field
at Dickinson Stadium
WIN 52-6
TH 09/26/2024* Steve Upton Field
at Dickinson Stadium
LOSS 20-35
TH 10/03/2024*

Huskie Stadium

WIN 16-12
TH 10/10/2024* Steve Upton Field
at Dickinson Stadium
4:30 PM
TH 10/17/2024 C.W. Post Field
4:30 PM
TH 10/23/2024* Steve Upton Field
at Dickinson Stadium
4:30 PM

Upton 8th Grade  (back to top)

Date Opponent Location Time
WE 09/18/2024 Al Stockman Stadium
LOSS 13-18
WE 09/25/2024 Willis F. Koontz Field
Upton Middle School
5:30 PM
WE 10/02/2024 Bye Week

WE 10/09/2024 Steve Upton Field
at Dickinson Stadium
7:30 PM
TU 10/15/2024 Steve Upton Field
at Dickinson Stadium
7:30 PM
TU 10/22/2024 Steve Upton Field
at Dickinson Stadium
7:30 PM

Upton 7th Grade  (back to top)

Date Opponent Location Time
WE 09/18/2024 Al Stockman Stadium
LOSS 14-34
WE 09/25/2024 Willis F. Koontz Field
Upton Middle School
4:00 PM
WE 10/02/2024 Willis F. Koontz Field
Upton Middle School
5:00 PM
WE 10/09/2024 Bye Week

TU 10/15/2024 Steve Upton Field
at Dickinson Stadium
6:00 PM
TU 10/22/2024 Steve Upton Field
at Dickinson Stadium
7:30 PM